Tag: Rob Zombie


detail of Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" With rough, impressionistic brush strokes, a figure stands on a bridge, hands on his face, screaming. The sunset behind the figure is livid red and orange.

In which Two Nerds discuss the fourth of the Scream franchise, which was made a decade after the original trilogy, and evinces a slightly different sensibility than the rollicking meta-irony of the first three.

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Retcons & Reboots: Halloween H20 and Rob Zombie’s Halloween

a surprised woman's face looks through a porthole style window at a man wearing a featureless white mask

Continuing with our deep dive into the Halloween movies, Two Nerds discuss Halloween H20 and its sequel, Halloween: Resurrection — in which Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode — and Rob Zombie’s reboot of the Halloween franchise. The series…

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