Category: end times

Moonfall: A Moon What Falls

It’s been a hot minute since Two Nerds saw the movie Moonfall and recorded a podcat about it. I went back to finish my degree, and then there was a bunch of other life stuff that sucked up our emotional…

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Tales of the Walking Dead

Banner for the television show Tales of the Walking Dead: Tales from the Walking Dead is in tall red letters, surrounded by profile photos of the main characters from the six different episodes

Two Nerds didn’t go into Tales of the Walking Dead, the anthology series set in The Walking Dead universe, expecting much. Whoo boy, did the the series exceed expectations, and then some. The unique stories in Tales of the Walking…

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R U 4 Robots?

A robot with a white casing sits cross-legged in a room of monks all bowed down touching their heads to the floor. A man in a business suit stands behind the robot, angles and looking toward the robot. Prayer flags hang from the ceiling, and a stylized lotus flower in woven into the floor mat.

Two Nerds got a request we watch Automata, a steampunky short about a human private detective, his robot partner, and a murder mystery. This made us consider what robots do, as a trope, and what questions narratives with robots tend…

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Abed and Britta from the tv show Community sit at a table. Britta is facing Abed, and Abed is looking through a catalog. The words "There's a two-day course called 'Nick Cage: Good or Bad'' runs along the bottom.

The subject of this episode is the ways faith and/or religious doctrine is used differently in explicitly Christian films like The Remaining or Left Behind, and films that use religious lore more like mythology. In this instance our example is…

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Two Nerds were lovingly trolled by our listener, and ended up watching Knowing, a predestination wig-out starring Nicolas Cage, which was described by Richard as “Kirk Cameron’s screenplay and directorial adaptation of L. Ron Hubbard writing Childhood’s End.” It made…

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