Category: television

Tales of the Walking Dead

Banner for the television show Tales of the Walking Dead: Tales from the Walking Dead is in tall red letters, surrounded by profile photos of the main characters from the six different episodes

Two Nerds didn’t go into Tales of the Walking Dead, the anthology series set in The Walking Dead universe, expecting much. Whoo boy, did the the series exceed expectations, and then some. The unique stories in Tales of the Walking…

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Walking Dead, Season One

Cover for the film Night of the Living Dead: black and white photo of a girl with dee[ black rings around her eyes looking straight at the camera

As this is the final season of The Walking Dead — a series which has taken myriad twists and turns over the years — Two Nerds decided to go back and watch the first season of Walking Dead again. It…

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Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune: The Miniseries

The actors playing Ghanima and Leto Atriedes stand side by side, looking slightly off center. They are wearing stylized court attire.

In which we discuss the SyFy channel’s miniseries which encapsulates the second two of the Dune trilogy by Frank Herbert: Dune Messiah and Children of Dune. Though the production was written, produced, and largely acted by the same people, the clunkily…

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Frank Herbert’s Dune: the Miniseries

A headshot of Princess Irulan fron the SyFy Dune miniseries wearing a big fanned headdress with butterflies all over it.

In the second installment in our series on all things Dune, Two Nerds discuss the 2000 SciFi (before it became SyFy) channel’s miniseries entitled Frank Herbert’s Dune. It’s … not great: seriously mis-cast, with weird pretentions of theatricality, but a…

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A man stands with his back to the viewer, turned so his face is in profile. Talk buildings crowd in from the sides, but the central background is a blue sky with white clouds. The words "Counterpart" are superimposed

As part of our exploration of parallel worlds, Two Nerds discuss the spy thriller series Counterpart. J.K. Simmons plays a double role as Howard Silk, each of whom are members of a shadowy U.N. agency in two different versions of…

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The Nevers: Pilot

Several people in Victorian garb sit by a pond, with their backs to the viewer. A treeless branch looms over them. "HBO presents The Nevers: New Series" is superimposed over the image.

Two Nerds watch the first episode of HBO’s The Nevers, a steampunk Buffy the Vampire Slayer slash X-Men hybrid. The Nevers was created by Joss Whedon, who then apparently “stepped away” some time after all the allegations about his behavior…

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