Category: books

Generation Ships in Film

A red circle sits slightly off center on a black background. White lines radiate from the red circle. A small, narrow spaceship intersects the white lines in the lower left, which distends them a little.

Two Nerds sat down to watched the recent film Voyagers with some excitement, because there are a vanishingly small number of actual generation ships in film. There are oodles of long haul ships, like the Nostromo, where its crew and…

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Hackers: Hack the Gibson!

1993 was a good year for movies about the nascent Internet, apparently, because both The Net and Hackers were released that year. Two Nerds sat down and watched both. Both are very 90s time capsules, but Hackers is significantly more…

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A man in front of radio equipment turns towards the reader with a peice of paper held up for the reader. The paper reads "Don't Talk."

We’ve been on hiatus for a bit, but we’re back with one of my favorite movies by one of my favorite writers: Pontypool. Tony Burgess adapted the screenplay from his novel, which is titled called Pontypool Changes Everything. Pontypool is…

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John Cusak, in a coat and cap, stands in a brightly lit hallway with what might be blood smeared on the walls. He's looking right of the camera.

Two Nerds decided to watch Cell, the movie adaption of the same-named Stephen King novel, which is about a pulse sent over cell phones which makes anyone who hears it homicidal. (King also co-wrote the screenplay.) This is our second…

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Army of the Dead

Cover for the film Night of the Living Dead: black and white photo of a girl with dee[ black rings around her eyes looking straight at the camera

Two Nerds sat down and watched the newest Zach Snyder movie, Army of the Dead, which is really exciting me because zombies are 100% my wheelhouse, and this the first zombie movie we’ve discussed. Like a Zach Snyder film, this…

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We went into the movie Bliss pretty cold. The really quite terrible blurb said something about how maybe reality is a computer simulation, and that sounded close enough to our theme of alternate realities that we gave it a go….

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The Nevers: Pilot

Several people in Victorian garb sit by a pond, with their backs to the viewer. A treeless branch looms over them. "HBO presents The Nevers: New Series" is superimposed over the image.

Two Nerds watch the first episode of HBO’s The Nevers, a steampunk Buffy the Vampire Slayer slash X-Men hybrid. The Nevers was created by Joss Whedon, who then apparently “stepped away” some time after all the allegations about his behavior…

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A Perfect Day: Time Travel Stories

Two Nerds Sitting on a Couch wrapped up our inquiry into teen dystopias last week with The City of Ember, which is kinda funny because the book is aimed younger than teen, and it’s not really a dystopia. After a…

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The Last Teen Dystopia: The City of Ember

For our final outing into teen dystopias, two nerds sitting on a couch watch The City of Ember.The City of Ember ended up being significantly different from the other young adult dystopias we watched, while still relying on some of…

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Euphemizing Euthanasia: The Giver

Continuing our streak of young adult dystopias, two nerds sit on a couch and discuss the movie version of Lois Lowry’s The Giver. 

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